A recent investigation reveals that benevolent raffles actually supplement state-run lotteries instead of vying with them. This examination, conducted by Regulus Partners for the Association of Charity Lotteries in Europe (ACLEU), analyzed lottery purchases throughout Europe. The results? Beneficent raffles don’t truly possess a detrimental effect on national lottery earnings.

Paul Leyland from Regulus Partners emphasized that benevolent raffles actually assist in elevating the total sum of money gathered for worthy endeavors through lotteries.

The investigation meticulously examined sales figures from 12 European nations that operate state-managed lotteries. They categorized these nations based on the scale of their benevolent raffle sector – ranging from robust initiatives to those with minimal benevolent raffle existence. The assessment demonstrated no direct correlation between the success of a national lottery and the presence of benevolent raffles.

Even more intriguing is the report’s discovery that benevolent raffles frequently surpass national lotteries in terms of income expansion. This signifies that they are not solely contributing to the growth of the lottery sector overall but also augmenting the resources accessible for philanthropic activities.

Eva Struven, the leader of the European Association of Charity Lotteries, provided her perspective on a newly released research study. She stressed the study’s validation of their longstanding conviction that charity lotteries, rather than impeding the income of national lotteries, actually enhance them. This discovery, she remarked, is especially comforting.

Struven voiced her aspiration that the study would resonate with government representatives, legislative bodies, and philanthropic groups, encouraging them to acknowledge the substantial worth that charity lotteries offer. Moreover, she emphasized the significance of comprehending the shifting dynamics within the wider lottery sector.

In closing, Struven reached out to her colleagues in the national lottery domain, urging them to contemplate the study’s conclusions. She advocated for a cooperative strategy, suggesting that through joint efforts, they could unleash the complete capacity of lottery-supported charitable donations. This, she affirmed, would ultimately advantage charities, localities, and countries throughout Europe.

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By Zoe "Zephyr" Rogers

With a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's in Cybersecurity, this skilled author has a passion for leveraging mathematical modeling and data analysis techniques to improve the security and integrity of online gambling platforms. They have expertise in cryptography, network security, and fraud detection, which they apply to the development of secure and trustworthy online casino systems. Their articles and reviews provide readers with insights into the latest trends and best practices in online gambling security and the strategies used to protect players' personal and financial information.

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