A prominent Latin American digital gaming company, Codere Online, is making its debut on the stock market! They’ve inked a deal to combine with DD3 Acquisition Corp. II, a blank-check firm. This action will establish Codere Online as the first publicly listed online gaming enterprise in Latin America, demonstrating their dominant market presence.

The unified entity, retaining the Codere Online name, boasts a valuation of an impressive $350 million. That’s twice the projected 2022 revenue for Codere Online! This amalgamation will furnish them with substantial funds to propel their growth strategies in current territories such as Spain, Italy, Mexico, Colombia, and Panama, alongside new ventures like Buenos Aires, slated for a late 2021 launch.

Moshe Edree will remain at the helm as CEO, supported by a robust board comprising founding members from DD3 Capital Partners. This merger represents a powerful synergy between Codere’s established brand and operational prowess, and DD3’s financial strength and proven success. It marks a significant achievement for Codere Online and a clear indicator of the thrilling growth prospects within the Latin American online gaming sector.

Numerous prominent investment groups, such as Baron Funds, MG Capital, LarrainVial, and DD3 Capital Partners, have committed a collective sum surpassing $67 million in non-public investment to back the amalgamation of Codere Online and DD3 Capital Partners.

This consolidation, which has gotten the go-ahead from both Codere Online and DD3’s leadership, along with the board of directors at Codere S.A., is projected to be concluded before the end of 2021.

Martin Werner, a founding member at DD3, conveyed his excitement regarding the merger, remarking that they are delighted to team up with Moshe Edree, Chief Executive Officer of Codere Online, and his staff to introduce Codere Online to the public market. He emphasized Codere’s distinctive advantages, including its varied operational framework, extensive target demographics, and minimal rivalry from other international gaming entities, positioning it for growth across Latin America.

Vicente Di Loreto, Chief Executive Officer of Codere Group, shared this view, expressing satisfaction with the agreement and stressing that it will furnish their online division with the essential resources to further cultivate Codere Online and propel it to greater heights. He perceives this as a strong indicator of the value generated over the past three years and the robust team and business foundation established under Moshe’s guidance.

It is noteworthy that Codere’s physical business has encountered recent difficulties, with operating revenue declining substantially in the initial quarter. This came after a phase where the company had to undergo reorganization proceedings.

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By Zoe "Zephyr" Rogers

With a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's in Cybersecurity, this skilled author has a passion for leveraging mathematical modeling and data analysis techniques to improve the security and integrity of online gambling platforms. They have expertise in cryptography, network security, and fraud detection, which they apply to the development of secure and trustworthy online casino systems. Their articles and reviews provide readers with insights into the latest trends and best practices in online gambling security and the strategies used to protect players' personal and financial information.

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